Woodworking by Jane Kostick
I began woodworking professionally in the late 1980s, making furniture and other decorative items in wood. My training has been informal. I work among many skilled craftsmen, mainly furniture makers, and from them I've learned a lot of the techniques I use. In the 1990s I got into designing and building custom cabinetry for residential remodeling jobs when John was working as a carpenter, challenging work that we did for many years. After the 2008 housing crash and recession, our focus shifted back toward artwork, and I've been doing more of the kind of woodworking I enjoy most, in particular the magnetic assemblies that are inspired by John's star designs. Below are images of some of what I've built over the past few decades. |
The commission for this table base came from a customer wanting a variation on the Trefoil Knot Table.
I took some pictures showing how I made this, but I regret not getting proper photos taken of the finished piece and many other things I've built throughout the years.
The commission for this set of three glass-topped tables came from a customer who wrote to me, “I have always had a sneaking fascination with one of the Sierpinski curves of order 2. Superimposed on top of the order one curve it looks cool.” So that's where this design idea comes from. I don't typically use the computer heavily for designing woodworking projects, but as you can see in the renderings, this time I did.
This was my first sale in the 1980s. I designed these working watches in response to an assignment in a studio arts class, one of the few art courses I took while majoring in math in college. It reminded me of how much I liked junior high shop class and that woodworking is what I ought to pursue. The dimensions of the clocks are about 10" x 8" x 5". They were fun to make, but my interest is more in designing and crafting geometric structures.
These 2-dimensional tiling patterns (made in the '80s) and 3-dimensional magnetic assemblies (most of them from 2011-12) have a lot in common.
Custom Built-In Cabinetry
This is not the kind of woodworking I'm currently doing, but I work among many cabinetmakers who I'd be happy to refer.